He aha te momo hamarara e pai ana ki a koe?

He aha te momo hamarara e pai ana ki a koe?

Ko te mea pono, ka pouri te rangi, te ua ranei ka whakaaro tatou me whai marara.

Ranei, kaore tatou e whakaaro mo te marara e hiahiatia ana i te wa e ora ana.Engari me whakarite i nga wa katoa i mua i te huringa o te rangi.

I konei ka whakaatuhia e matou etahi o nga hamarara tino pai a Ovida.

He whiringa: Marara poto kiato

Mo te nuinga o nga tangata, ki taku whakaaro ko te marara te whakauru ki roto i te peeke whakairi, i te peeke tuara ranei te mea nui, no reira ko te hamarara tuatahi me poto, ngawari te taumaha me te kaha.

Kei raro nei ko te marara hau 3-folding umbrella, he 28cm noa iho ina takai, he tata ki te 400g te taumaha, he hoahoa hau.E mohio ana matou ko te hau-hau te mea pai rawa atu mo te hau, i mahia e matou i roto i te marara takai.

OV33003B (3) OV33003B (4)Ko tenei marara te hoahoa marara tino pai mo te roopu Ovida, na te mea ka awhina i a tatou mai i te ua nui me te ra hau.

The second one is the same design, but straight golf umbrella type, it is good for travel or hiking. The umbrella option diameter could be from 103cm to 150cm, depends on the size of the ribs. Normally I do suggest clients do custom umbrella 150cm extra large one umbrella. That is huge and can cover even 4-5people.  You also could let ovida team know other size you want info@ovidaumbrella.com

OV13003 (2)

I tua atu i enei momo hamarara e rua, kei a matou ano te hamarara korowha kopaki, he rite ki te hamarara korowha, he rahi te rahi ina tuwhera, engari he poto ake i te hamarara torotika, ka 54cm te huri noa ina takai, tuwhera te diameter penei i te 120cm ki te 130cm.Ka kiia e matou he hamarara korowha kopa e rua, he hamarara rua noa ranei.

OV22006BWhich umbrella is your favorite one? Let ovida know info@ovidaumbrella.com, we will help your project come true.


Wā tuku: Akuhata-23-2021